Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Memory Writing #2

Sorry for not posting, I've been very busy over my friends house for 4 days and just school has been insane, so I am back now.

Last summer I read a book. I didn't know that the book was so sad until I read the beginning of the book.

Page by page, word by word, sobbing, I would slowly and quietly walk into my mom's room and wake her up and she would either come into my room and lay with me or she would stay in her room and hold me.  I was eleven, but it still made me cry.

After about four nights of waking my mom up and sobbing, I stopped reading the book.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that school was insane (yikes), but at least you got to spend some time with a friend. This piece of writing is very moving. I like how you started out with a short sentence, and then ending phrase is similar, and abrupt.
