Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Late B-day Mama!

46 is just a number, just a number indeed.

Where the greys take over, 
but to 
me you
look the

46 is just a number, just a number indeed.

Writer or Author?

I came up with this a while back, I find it interesting. 

Author- someone who writes fictional stories and poems, that's what an author is to me.

Writer- someone who writes nonfiction stories, essays and articles, that is what an a writer is to me. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Thunder Storm

The sweet smell of dirt and worms. How the thunder makes its own beat to the symphony of shhhhhhhing. The lightning adds a spotlight to the wonderful orchestra. Some people think thunderstorms are so evil and horrid, but they don't really know the beauty it creates. As I sit in my bed, writing, I am slowly drifting off to sleep and have the thunderstorm sing me into a deep sleep. It swarms into my bedroom window looking for a way inside, looking for something to share its wonderfulness with. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Memory Writing #2

Sorry for not posting, I've been very busy over my friends house for 4 days and just school has been insane, so I am back now.

Last summer I read a book. I didn't know that the book was so sad until I read the beginning of the book.

Page by page, word by word, sobbing, I would slowly and quietly walk into my mom's room and wake her up and she would either come into my room and lay with me or she would stay in her room and hold me.  I was eleven, but it still made me cry.

After about four nights of waking my mom up and sobbing, I stopped reading the book.