Monday, January 30, 2012

1st day of Summer Camping Trip 2011

A long drive,upsetting a family on their way. Bottoms hurting, body aching and antsy. Arriving, all is still and quiet. The moon risen, stars shining. Aunt waiting as the clock strikes one o'clock. Down the hill, to the tent. Flashlights in hands. Artificial light dances against the darkness. A tent door zips open as they climb in. A family, laying on air mattresses. Dog clanking in her crate as she turns over. 

Morning slowly sneaks around the trees to see if someones awake. People slowly roam out of tent doors. Slowly, tiredly, marching up the hill to the front porch.

Sitting down, greetings being said, "Long time, no see." Omelets being made, family talking, laughing, telling stories. The family having fun, creating a puzzle of voices.

Zip, bag unzipping. Tent unwrapping. Four people frustrated. A tent not cooperating, though finally gets put together on the third try.

Lunch, munching on sandwiches, jaws moving up and down, chewing on bits of bread and lunch meat. Bellies full, taste buds happy. All rushing off the porch to play a game of crocaye.     

Crocaye all day. Dinner. The smell of pasties drift through the yard entering everyone's noses. Beef, Peas, Carrots and more all in one. A chewing fest begins and stomachs being stuffed with pleasure.
Moon rising, stars shining, fire filling up the sky. Laughter and voices pierce the cold, crisp, summer night air. Crinkling marshmallow bags, as someone sneaks their hand into it a holds the marshmallow gently. The smell of campfire and charred marshmallow all around.
Dogs happily smell the camp-friendly air. As the humans slowly get out of their chairs and roam towards their tents, for a long, peaceful sleep in the north.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lab Splash!

This poem is about my dog Rosie and my aunt's dog Mike that she was training to be a Leader Dog for the Blind. They used to play in the kitty pool we have in our back yard.

 Splish! Splash!
Splish! Splash!
Who Must it be?
Two Black Flashes
Jumpin' Through the Water.
Never Stopping Those...
Splishes and Splashes! 

Rosie Dosie

Monster Paws!

This poem is about my aunt patti's dog named Gus who has very big paws. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!
Boom!Boom! Boom!
Guess Who's Comin'
Monster Paws it Must be
Trompin' Through the Forest
And Through the Trees.
Monster Paws
Monster Paws
It Must be, 
But Who is Monster Paws?
Only a Puppy you See
Guster Buster
Guster Buster
The Forest Gus
Trompin' Through the Forest
With his...
Monster Paws!!!
Monster Paws Gus

Take a Thought #3

It seems as if the truth is evil, and taunts us throughout our lives, and the lies are what keeps us safe inside of our lives. Sometimes the lies make us happy and secure, but no matter how many lies we spread, deep down inside our minds, we know the taunting truth. Take a thought.

Take a Thought #2

As you sit, wide awake, motionless in your seat, take a thought. Think about your life and be disappointed with yourself, some may say; but no, no, not me. I say think about your life, yes, that is true to do, but don't be disappointed, be terribly happy and proud of your long life, take a thought.  

Take a Thought #1

I feel as if the sun will never end but the night is over with very quick. I don't recall knowing as why this is, only that it is a feeling. The day is quick, although the night is long, that feeling is false to me.The night is quick, but the day is long, that tends to be the truth to some people. As you read this writing piece, this content...take a thought.